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September 4 2011 7 04 /09 /September /2011 07:30

A mother’s heart, soft and gentle builds up love

Gives peace and always prayerful

A mother’s heart longs for her child

Prays always and ready to embrace

Her heart homely and peaceful

Tender and mild.


A mother’s heart, kind and meek never forgets her child

Her child’s problem is her problem

Digs out solution to make child happy

Her heart smiles and knows no evil

Her heart cries when child is sick

Her heart consoles and sings to happiness.


A mother’s heart forgives and teaches ‘love never hates’

She shows good example and expects good from her child

A mother’s heart accommodates

She shows no hostility

Her heart shows honesty and fidelity

Righteousness and goodness.


A mother’s heart is glorious and gracious to her children

She shows mercy and is beautiful

Her heart is long-suffering and just

She has equal love

She has a great heart that lights her child’s part

Never corrupt always wise.


Mother a symbol of a precious treasure to a child

Mother her heart is immortal and will never die

Mother her heart will light the path to show the future

God bless mother.


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