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August 15 2011 1 15 /08 /August /2011 07:00

Wisdom is a beautiful mother

Better than rubies

She dwells with prudence

She finds out knowledge with witty inventions

She hates evil, pride and arrogance

Counsel belongs to her for she is sound

She understands because she has strength

By her, kings and queens reign

By her, princes and princesses decree justice

She does not hate her people

Her people seek her early

Those that seek her early shall find her.


Wisdom is a loving mother

Better than gold

She dwells with riches and honour

Finds out righteousness

Her fruit is better than fine gold

Her revenue, more than choice silver

She leads in the way of righteousness

In the midst of the paths of judgement

Those that love her inherit substance

She fills them with treasures.


Wisdom is a lovely queen

A generous mother

She has built her house

Hewn out her seven pillars

Killed her beasts

Mingled her wine

Furnished her table

She has sent forth her maidens to call her people

From all places to come and eat bread and drink wine

Live and go in the way of understanding

Through Wisdom your day shall multiply

Your life shall increase

For Wisdom dwells in you.



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